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More Downtowns Loosen Outdoor Alcohol Rules

February 17, 2022
Greensboro, NC, will launch a downtown social district in March. Within its boundaries, visitors will be able to stroll while carrying alcoholic beverages in specially labeled plastic cups. Greensboro is one of a number of North Carolina cities that have enacted, or are considering, downtown social districts after Gov. Roy Cooper signed a law in…Continue reading


Downtown Marketplace Supports Local Retail

February 3, 2022
In Redding, CA, a new venture has brought together 18 small shops in one location. Called Gather Downtown, it’s not quite a business incubator, not quite an antiques mart or a food hall. Instead, it’s a middle ground, an initiative that fills vacant space, nurtures local entrepreneurs, and provides a downtown gathering place. "We wanted…Continue reading


The Year in Downtown Revitalization

December 21, 2021
Every other week we share a summary article from Downtown Idea Exchange. Over the course of the year we’ve covered everything from business recruitment, to streetscape improvements, to placemaking, and more. To wrap up the year, we're highlighting five of our favorite posts. Creative, informative, and adaptable, they showcase some of the best work in…Continue reading


Lynn Lights Wins Praise for Downtown Improvement, Community Involvement

December 9, 2021
A series of public art projects — including innovative lighting installations in formerly dreary underpasses — has helped Lynn, MA, shake off its malaise. In 2014, as part of a project to turn things around, the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency named the city as part of its Transformative Development Initiative. The state agency hosted a…Continue reading


Gateway Project Creates Sense of Arrival

December 3, 2021
The Colorado Springs Gateways Initiative was a clear win for the city’s downtown. The new signs at the entrances to downtown are eye-catching, and the project was honored with an award from the International Downtown Association. The Gateways Initiative aimed to enhance nine entry points into the heart of Colorado Springs and to stimulate new…Continue reading