Downtown Digest News

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Cities Continue to Invest in Bollards

February 13, 2025
Following a New Year’s Day vehicle attack in New Orleans, Mobile, AL, is bolstering safety measures in advance of its annual Mardi Gras celebration in March. The attack in New Orleans, focused new attention on bollards as a routine part of traffic control for downtown events. However, in a cautionary tale for downtowns everywhere, New…Continue reading


Downtowns Consider Quiet Zones

February 6, 2025
Cities everywhere are encouraging the development of housing and hotels downtown. One noisy problem: City centers often lie adjacent to railroad tracks. And while the noise is tolerable in a 9-to-5 city where office workers go home at night, it can be disruptive in a 24-hour downtown. One solution is a quiet zone. Federal regulators…Continue reading


After Smooth Rollout, Cities Expand Public Drinking Areas

January 17, 2025
Just a few months after Mishawaka, IN, enacted a Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA), the city council voted in December to expand the boundaries of the drinking zone. Downtown Idea Exchange newsletter reports that Mishawaka’s experience with public drinking mirrors that of other cities across the nation. First, state lawmakers, seeking to help downtowns recover from…Continue reading


Top 5 Articles of 2024 — Plus a Special Offer

January 10, 2025
Every week we share an article summary from Downtown Idea Exchange newsletter. Over the course of the year we’ve covered everything from business recruitment, to streetscape improvements, to placemaking, and more. To start the New Year, we’re highlighting five of our most popular posts. Creative, informative, and adaptable, they showcase some of the best work in downtown…Continue reading


Bringing Order to Scooter Chaos

January 3, 2025
Cities across the country have cracked down on disruptive electric scooter programs. Now Columbus, OH, is reining in its chaotic fleet. Downtown Idea Exchange newsletter reports that Columbus’ pool of bike and scooter rental services will be replaced next spring by a single vendor. Veo, the new provider, operates a variety of traditional bicycles and e-bikes,…Continue reading


Shopping Event Draws Crowds, Supports Schools

December 19, 2024
In September, the Downers Grove [IL] Downtown Management Corp. hosted its annual women’s shopping event. Like similar events, the goal is a fun-filled shopping experience especially for women. But, as Downtown Idea Exchange newsletter reports, it’s also a fund raiser for local Parent Teacher Associations. Downtown shops and restaurants offer special giveaways, discounts, and demonstrations for the…Continue reading


Increasing Downtown’s Tree Cover

December 12, 2024
As record temperatures gripped the nation this summer, downtown leaders looked to increase shade by expanding the tree canopy. But shade is just one of many benefits of trees, says Chelsea Craig chair of the Morenci, MI, Downtown Development Authority. By creating a green and vibrant environment, the DDA aims to increase foot traffic, attract…Continue reading


Downtown Attracts Young Workers

December 5, 2024
When it comes to the relationship between downtown streetscapes and a city’s economic vitality, state officials in Michigan are using the same playbook as urban placemakers. In October, the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity announced it would direct $1.37 million in grants to Lansing, MI, for the Talent Investment Pilot Project. At first…Continue reading