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Encouraging Infill Development Downtown

November 21, 2024
Downtowns have experienced a dramatic renaissance in recent years. But many still struggle with unused and underused spaces, ranging from abandoned manufacturing facilities to obsolete warehouses to vacant lots. Filling in the gaps isn’t easy. In fact, downtown leaders often need to figure out ways to encourage developers to invest in infill projects. The November…Continue reading


Downtown Podcast Spreads the Word

November 14, 2024
During the pandemic, Seattle’s downtown leaders fretted that media coverage about the district often focused on closed businesses, empty streets, and other reflections of a lagging recovery. The Downtown Seattle Association decided to push back by taking matters into its own hands with a downtown podcast. The twice-monthly Seattle City Makers Podcast presents a conversational…Continue reading


Hype Teams Support Downtowns

November 7, 2024
In Macon, GA, the Hype Team is promoting the downtown and welcoming visitors. The team is made up of 60 volunteers who sport orange T-shirts and serve as downtown ambassadors. They provide information to visitors, build relationships with merchants, and promote downtown Macon on their personal social media accounts. An article in the November issue…Continue reading


Waiving Parking Minimums Pays Off for College Town

September 19, 2024
In Champaign, IL, reducing minimum parking requirements (MPRs) has spurred development and boosted the density of both downtown Champaign and the urban district anchored by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. That’s according to University of Illinois researchers Bumsoo Lee and Srirang Sohoni. The city provides an early case study of the impact of removing…Continue reading


Cargo Bikes Reduce Congestion Downtown

September 12, 2024
It’s a familiar problem in downtowns throughout the U.S. — Large delivery trucks block traffic as the driver stops at the curb to drop off a single small package. In an attempt to address the congestion caused by package deliveries, some cities are experimenting with bicycles to get packages to their final destination. One high-profile…Continue reading