In his 40-plus years working with nonprofit organizations, David Feehan, president of Civitas Consultants, has learned a thing or two about how downtown chief executives can ensure that the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of their organizations are on course.
The February issue of Downtown Idea Exchange newsletter includes the first five of his 10 rules. These are:
#1: Be sure that you and your board thoroughly understand the nature of your organization, and its mission.
#2: Know where the money comes from, where it is going to, and keep the board informed.
#3: Be visible. Set aside at least a half-day each week to visit with store owners and managers.
#4: Talk to each board member once a month.
#5: Create multiple channels for communication and feedback between business owners and managers, residents, and your organization.
The full article appeared in our print edition. To always get the full story, read Downtown Idea Exchange.