Community Casts Votes for New Placemaking Project

A downtown-wide vote engaged the public and provided needed supplies for local charities in Winchester, KY. With eight potential place-making projects and just $5,000 to spend, Main Street Winchester created the Winchester Downtown Bracket to select the winning project.

The projects were in four categories: downtown amenities, public art, pedestrian improvements, and landscape projects, with two projects in each category.

Votes were cast by placing toiletries in one of two downtown voting boxes. The final round pitted parklet against shade canopy. Shade canopy was declared the clear winner.

The voting was followed by the local newspaper and at the main street program’s website, which covered every twist and turn of the heated competition.

More on parking safety, authentic downtown events, and enhancing walkability appears in the June issue of Downtown Idea Exchange. Click to learn more about Downtown Idea Exchange and other resources for revitalizing downtowns and commercial corridors.

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