Creating events that will appeal to women, and hosting them at times when women are most likely to attend, is a great way to highlight downtown’s assets to a demographic that might otherwise never explore the city center.
In San Jose, CA, a new “HER city” after-work social series launched in August is successfully attracting about 75 participants to each event
Each HER city event couples a lesser-known venue with food, fun, goodie bags, and more.
In October HER city had a Broadway theme, and included cocktails and appetizers at a historic downtown hotel with entertainment by a female blues singer, followed by pedi-cab rides to the Center for the Performing Arts, where participants had premier seating, followed by a backstage tour and the opportunity to chat with one of the female leads in the show as well as female production staff.
The full article appeared in our print edition. To always get the full story, read Downtown Idea Exchange.