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BID Encourages Crime Prevention with CPTED

March 20, 2025
The Downtown Spokane Partnership encourages members to improve downtown safety and security with Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. CPTED is a crime prevention strategy that uses the design of the physical environment to minimize opportunities for crime. Some cities write CPTED guidelines into their design standards, others provide CPTED reviews for downtown business owners, and…Continue reading


Bollards: Improving Function with Art

March 6, 2025
When the city of Midland, CA, installed safety bollards along the main street, it discovered a problem: The bollards were not visible enough to drivers. Downtown Midland BIA Board Chair Nicole French explains, "We’ve heard from business owners and visitors alike that the original metal parking bollards installed during the main street rejuvenation project are…Continue reading


AARP Community Challenge Grant

February 27, 2025
Since 2017 AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons) has distributed millions of dollars through its AARP Community Challenge grant program. As noted in the February issue of Downtown Idea Exchange, many familiar downtown projects are eligible for funding. In 2024 grantees included an alley transformation project in Vallejo, CA, accessibility improvements to a crosswalk…Continue reading


City Attracts Former Residents

February 20, 2025
After years of running annual workforce recruitment campaigns, the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, in Sioux Falls, SD, is trying something new. In late 2023, the foundation launched the Wish You Were Here campaign, which aims to attract Sioux Falls natives who have moved to other parts of the country. The February issue of Downtown Idea Exchange,…Continue reading


Cities Continue to Invest in Bollards

February 13, 2025
Following a New Year’s Day vehicle attack in New Orleans, Mobile, AL, is bolstering safety measures in advance of its annual Mardi Gras celebration in March. The attack in New Orleans, focused new attention on bollards as a routine part of traffic control for downtown events. However, in a cautionary tale for downtowns everywhere, New…Continue reading


Downtowns Consider Quiet Zones

February 6, 2025
Cities everywhere are encouraging the development of housing and hotels downtown. One noisy problem: City centers often lie adjacent to railroad tracks. And while the noise is tolerable in a 9-to-5 city where office workers go home at night, it can be disruptive in a 24-hour downtown. One solution is a quiet zone. Federal regulators…Continue reading


After Smooth Rollout, Cities Expand Public Drinking Areas

January 17, 2025
Just a few months after Mishawaka, IN, enacted a Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA), the city council voted in December to expand the boundaries of the drinking zone. Downtown Idea Exchange newsletter reports that Mishawaka’s experience with public drinking mirrors that of other cities across the nation. First, state lawmakers, seeking to help downtowns recover from…Continue reading