As coronavirus hits hard, some see suburbs gaining appeal

May 1, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has raised many questions, including this one: After the outbreak recedes, will Americans still want to live, work, and socialize in bustling downtowns? A disease that thrives on close contact could cause a shift in the preferences of office users and home buyers, and, possibly, a reappraisal of development patterns, some experts…To read more — login/subscribe


How to keep your organization afloat in tough times

May 1, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has foisted an unprecedented crisis on downtown organizations. Many organizations were blindsided by the suddenness and severity of the downturn. To help coach downtown leaders through the turmoil, the International Downtown Association (IDA) and Progressive Urban Management Associates (PUMA) collaborated on a game plan that spells out steps to take in the…To read more — login/subscribe


Your downtown tenants are in danger; here’s how to help them

May 1, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic could permanently close millions of small businesses, including some that occupy storefronts in your downtown. With many downtowns all but closed for business, the restaurants, bars, and beauty salons that form the backbone of many commercial corridors face an existential threat. See the full report from the Main Street America survey. Of…To read more — login/subscribe


Economic pause creates opportunity for infrastructure improvements

May 1, 2020
With their disruptions to traffic flow and parking, construction projects are the bane of downtown leaders. In a rare bright side to the coronavirus pandemic, some downtowns are using the economic pause to accelerate infrastructure improvements. In Pensacola, FL (est. pop. 52,562), Gulf Power has accelerated work on an $83 million project to improve the…To read more — login/subscribe


Global pandemic creates challenges, disruption for downtowns

April 1, 2020
Downtowns are positioned to rebound strongly from the coronavirus pandemic. When that rebound might occur, however, is uncertain. That’s according to downtown leaders interviewed by Downtown Idea Exchange as the global pandemic spread. “Will we come back? Absolutely,” says Dewitt Peart, president of the Downtown Austin Alliance in Austin, TX (est. pop. 964,243). However, Peart…To read more — login/subscribe


“Support Your Neighbors” and other initiatives aid downtown businesses

April 1, 2020
When the coronavirus closed downtown Wilmington, NC (est. pop. 122,610), for business, Ed Wolverton thought back to the city’s hurricane of 2018. In the aftermath of that disaster, he telegraphed the message that downtown was open for business. In this latest shock, he delivered the same news, but with a twist. Wolverton, president and chief…To read more — login/subscribe


Strategies to help downtowns survive the downturn

April 1, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has hammered downtowns. While the duration of this disruption is unclear, the impact of coronavirus will be broad, deep, and unrelenting. Even so, downtown leaders must carry on. Economic development professionals suggest a range of strategies for supporting at-risk businesses, protecting the downtown’s market position, and growing the local economy in the…To read more — login/subscribe


Slow time presents opportunity to address nagging issues

April 1, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic forced downtown activity to grind to a halt. What now? Take advantage of the pause to address some long-neglected tasks. Downtown leaders say they’re tackling these chores: • Upgrading physical spaces. Do your offices need a fresh coat of paint? Are downtown benches and bathrooms in need of repairs? The slowdown presents…To read more — login/subscribe


Visitors aren’t coming downtown? Send them outdoors

April 1, 2020
Tourism consultant Roger Brooks has a contrarian alternative for downtowns struggling with a dearth of visitors. Tell them to go camping, canoeing, or hiking instead. As strange as it sounds, Brooks says, the strategy makes sense. He points to the example of Asheville, NC. Thanks to its downtown restaurants and microbreweries, Brooks says, “Asheville is…To read more — login/subscribe


To ensure safety, downtown lifts parking fees

April 1, 2020
Amid the coronavirus outbreak, Ann Arbor, MI (est. pop. 121,885), decided to waive downtown parking fees at attended lots. “The decision to not charge hourly off-street parking customers is directly aimed at helping stop COVID-19 by eliminating cashier interactions with customers,” DDA Executive Director Susan Pollay told the Ann Arbor News. The move came as…To read more — login/subscribe