Downtown Idea Exchange

Each month downtown leaders turn to Downtown Idea Exchange for practical news reports, how-to information, and hundreds of real-world examples of how downtowns are growing and prospering.


Downtown Idea Exchange, December 2020

December 1, 2020
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Goodbye suburban malls, hello walkable shopping districts

November 1, 2020
Even before the coronavirus pandemic, the retail landscape was changing dramatically. The COVID-19 recession has accelerated merchants’ move back to Main Street, says Robert Gibbs, director of Gibbs Planning Group Inc. Some 75 percent of suburban shopping malls and 60 percent of large outdoor shopping malls, or power centers, will close by 2025, Gibbs predicts.…To read more — login/subscribe


Seven rules for developing downtown business recruitment data

November 1, 2020
As your downtown grows more sophisticated, and as retailers increasingly look to invest in main street locations, developing credible and comprehensive recruitment data is ever more important.  Emily Brett, senior manager of economic development at the Downtown Denver Partnership, offers these tips for developing recruitment data, and producing meaningful reports, without breaking your budget: •…To read more — login/subscribe


Downtowns deal with homelessness “one person at a time”

November 1, 2020
In Chicago and Reno, NV, downtown leaders are trying a new approach to homelessness. Instead of viewing homelessness as a criminal problem, these cities aim to guide troubled people toward solutions for their deep-seated issues. Both downtowns have hired social workers to work on the front lines. This new breed of downtown ambassadors is charged…To read more — login/subscribe


Can outdoor dining coexist with winter? Here’s how to make it work

November 1, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many downtowns to rethink their outdoor spaces. By summer, downtown leaders had adapted — vacant lots, sidewalks, and even streets gave way to al fresco dining. Now, though, the changing of the seasons will present a new challenge: Are downtown visitors willing to sit outside when the weather turns cold? “Everybody…To read more — login/subscribe