Downtown Idea Exchange

Each month downtown leaders turn to Downtown Idea Exchange for practical news reports, how-to information, and hundreds of real-world examples of how downtowns are growing and prospering.


Free parking remains, but downtown makes other changes for walkability

December 1, 2021
Free parking is the downtown amenity that urban purists love to hate. On the other hand, paid parking is the toll that downtown merchants despise. Alex MacLachlan of the Escondido Downtown Business Association is in the latter group. When the city council in Escondido, CA (est. pop. 151,619), proposed charging for parking at the city’s…To read more — login/subscribe


How one downtown cleaned up a park on a shoestring budget

December 1, 2021
In downtown Anchorage, AK (est. pop. 288,000), Town Square Park was once a hub of antisocial activities. Through sustained efforts, the Anchorage Downtown Partnership turned the public space into a hub for community activities. The success story shows downtown leaders can make a difference without a big budget. In Anchorage, Town Square Park was transformed…To read more — login/subscribe


With housing in short supply, office conversion fills the need

December 1, 2021
The coronavirus pandemic has upended downtown real estate markets. Many city centers suddenly have too much office space and not enough housing, a shift that has caught the attention of housing economists and developers. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) recently published an overview of downtown office buildings that have been converted to housing in…To read more — login/subscribe


TIF district yields success — but with some setbacks along the way

December 1, 2021
In St. Albans, VT (est. pop. 6,804), a tax-increment financing district launched in 2012 has produced some noteworthy successes. But the TIF also led to a withering report from the state auditor, which said the city hadn’t complied with rules around TIFs.  On the plus side, St. Albans achieved its first success with the construction…To read more — login/subscribe


Downtown Idea Exchange, December 2021

December 1, 2021
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How one downtown is balancing outdoor drinking with family friendliness

November 1, 2021
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper recently signed a new law allowing cities to establish “social districts” that permit outdoor consumption of alcohol. Downtown leaders quickly embraced the change, part of the COVID-19 loosening of alcohol rules around the nation. The thinking is that Americans might want to go back downtown, but that they aren’t keen…To read more — login/subscribe