Downtown Idea Exchange

Each month downtown leaders turn to Downtown Idea Exchange for practical news reports, how-to information, and hundreds of real-world examples of how downtowns are growing and prospering.


Miami’s linear park inspired by epiphany of self-described ‘crazy citizen’

December 1, 2022
Miami is in the midst of transforming unused space beneath the Metrorail tracks into a 10-mile linear park, urban trail, and exhibit space for public art. The idea was generated not by urban planners or elected officials, but by a Miami resident who calls herself “a crazy citizen.” Meg Daly has often repeated the story…To read more — login/subscribe


License-plate reading cameras cut crime, proponents say

December 1, 2022
Crime is on the upswing in downtowns. Meanwhile, crime-fighting technology is growing more powerful and more widely accepted. Those two trends are intersecting in a growing use of license plate readers, or LPRs. The devices can be mounted on utility poles, streetlights, and public vehicles. In Indianapolis, city police are expanding their use of LPRs.…To read more — login/subscribe


To level economic playing field, mid-sized cities foster “innovation districts”

December 1, 2022
With the US economy increasingly driven by the tech sector, a growing number of downtown leaders in mid-sized cities are looking for ways to spur innovation in their cities. One example is in Fort Wayne, IN (est. pop. 263,814), where a rusting manufacturing hub has been transformed into an innovation district. Another case study is…To read more — login/subscribe


Federal windfall takes aim at poorly planned highways

December 1, 2022
During the highway-building spree that began in the 1950s, many downtowns were disrupted in ways that were convenient for car commuters but damaging to public life and the urban fabric. Now comes a federal investment in undoing the infrastructure projects from the 20th century. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Reconnecting Communities Pilot provides $1 billion…To read more — login/subscribe


Idea Exchange: Quick Tips and News from Around the Country

December 1, 2022
18 year old festival is re-branded The South Carolina Pecan Festival went on a brief hiatus as the Covid-19 pandemic shuttered much of downtown Florence, NC. Event planners and staff took advantage of the break to assess the event’s purpose, strengths, and weaknesses. This led to re-branding the event, developing a new name, logo, website,…To read more — login/subscribe


Downtown Idea Exchange, December 2022

December 1, 2022
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Busker program breathes new life into downtown streets

November 1, 2022
Like many downtowns, Cleveland has struggled to adapt to post-pandemic patterns of commuting and visitation.  As of September 2022, the city was getting 80 percent of the overall visits it experienced in 2019. And visits to office buildings had plummeted to just 61 percent of prepandemic levels. Given that harsh reality, the Downtown Cleveland Alliance…To read more — login/subscribe


Four strategies help long-struggling
downtown set the stage for a comeback

November 1, 2022
Sandusky, OH (est. pop. 24,651), is coping with challenges familiar to downtown leaders in many Rust Belt cities. For half a century, the city has lost factory jobs, and its population has steadily declined. But Sandusky isn’t giving up. The small city is leveraging its easy access to Lake Erie, its historic architecture, and a…To read more — login/subscribe