Downtown Idea Exchange

Each month downtown leaders turn to Downtown Idea Exchange for practical news reports, how-to information, and hundreds of real-world examples of how downtowns are growing and prospering.


Idea Exchange: Quick Tips and News from Around the Country

January 1, 2024
Sweet treats draw customers during holiday season In Oak Park, IL, the annual cookie walk draws crowds into downtown stores. The cookie walk began as part of the annual Winterfest, and quickly became the signature event. Participants purchase a souvenir cookie tin and a map of over 30 participating businesses. At each stop participants receive…To read more — login/subscribe


Downtown Idea Exchange, January 2024

January 1, 2024
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Downtown organization keeps tweaking pop-up retail program

December 1, 2023
Early in the history of Open on Main, a storefront activation initiative in Memphis, TN (est. pop. 628,127), Brett Roler, senior vice president of the Downtown Memphis Commission was careful to make pop-ups look and feel like permanent businesses. Roler required retailers to operate full business hours, and the signage gave no hint that the…To read more — login/subscribe


Downtown bans repeat offenders — but is the move legal?

December 1, 2023
In an effort to remove chronic troublemakers from its resurgent downtown entertainment district, the city of Las Vegas, NV (est. pop. 646,790), approved an “order-out corridor” in November.  The policy seeks to cut crime by banning offenders who commit misdemeanors downtown from returning to the area to wreak more havoc. The Las Vegas City Council…To read more — login/subscribe


Biden administration unveils plan for office-to-residential conversions

December 1, 2023
President Joe Biden has unveiled a policy designed to spur conversions of empty commercial buildings to residential use. The plan calls for public financing of office-to-residential projects, the sale of some federal properties, and targeted tax incentives. “Office and commercial vacancies across the country are affecting urban downtowns and rural main streets,” the White House…To read more — login/subscribe