In September, the Downers Grove [IL] Downtown Management Corp. hosted its annual women’s shopping event. Like similar events, the goal is a fun-filled shopping experience especially for women.
But, as Downtown Idea Exchange newsletter reports, it’s also a fund raiser for local Parent Teacher Associations.
Downtown shops and restaurants offer special giveaways, discounts, and demonstrations for the one-day event. When a purchase is made, participants hand in a “hall pass.” The passes are available from participating schools and the downtown organization’s website. Each pass includes the name of a participating school. Schools receive 10 percent of the day’s hall pass sales for their institution.
The school with the most hall passes used receives an extra $250 donation. The second and third place schools each receive a $100 downtown gift certificate.
Artwork for promotional fliers and hall passes is provided to the schools to promote the event.
More creative shopping events appear in the pages of Downtown Idea Exchange newsletter.
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