“Support Your Neighbors” and other initiatives aid downtown businesses

April 1, 2020
When the coronavirus closed downtown Wilmington, NC (est. pop. 122,610), for business, Ed Wolverton thought back to the city’s hurricane of 2018. In the aftermath of that disaster, he telegraphed the message that downtown was open for business. In this latest shock, he delivered the same news, but with a twist. Wolverton, president and chief…To read more — login/subscribe


To bring back economic activity, hurricane-battered downtown broadens focus

February 1, 2020
As Hurricane Florence loomed in September 2018, downtown leaders in Wilmington, NC (est. pop. 122,610), had plenty of time to prepare. Downtown Wilmington Inc. canceled a commercial property showcase and collected cell phone numbers from downtown merchants. Workers took down street banners, removed hanging flower baskets, and scoured the downtown district for trash can lids,…To read more — login/subscribe