For downtowns lacking greenspace, cemeteries can fit the bill

May 1, 2020
In Kennesaw, GA (est. pop. 33,700), a downtown cemetery is no longer just a final resting place.  The Kennesaw City Cemetery, an eight-acre space that opened in 1863, is being transformed into a greenspace and recreation area. Under a plan approved unanimously by the city council in 2019, the graveyard will host fun runs, yoga…To read more — login/subscribe


Artists take over cemetery

May 1, 2020
Historic Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY, hosts a sold out event called Nightfall each year. The Green-Wood Historic Fund works to maintain the cemetery’s “vibrant presence in our current time by presenting open-to-the public events such as walking tours, lectures, and performances.” During the Nightfall event, thousands of candles guide visitors along the cemetery’s winding…To read more — login/subscribe


Public art creates new energy in downtowns

February 1, 2020
In Milwaukee, WI, an annual installation of sculptures from around the world attracts attention and visitors during the summer months. In Lakewood, CO, a four-mile long art trail is winning kudos for bringing new energy to a long-neglected neighborhood. The two projects offer differing strategies for using public art as a downtown development tool. In…To read more — login/subscribe


Garbage can makeover creates a facelift for modest investment

December 1, 2019
St. Paul, MN (est. pop. 306,604), has long faced perceptions that its downtown is unsafe. The St. Paul Downtown Alliance has made strides on that front with an inexpensive makeover of downtown trash bins. St. Paul’s sidewalks are lined with decades-old concrete containers. Over the years, the garbage receptacles have been covered with graffiti. The…To read more — login/subscribe


“Shade Parade” blends public art and much needed protection from the elements

November 1, 2019
A sun-roasted, unwelcoming stretch of sidewalk in downtown West Palm Beach, FL (est. pop. 110,219), is scheduled to get a “Shade Parade” made of six moving purple parasols. The city hired Montreal design firm Daily tous les jours to brainstorm ideas about a section of Quadrille Boulevard. The proposal: A system of aluminum umbrellas that…To read more — login/subscribe


Public art encourages citizen involvement

October 1, 2019
In June, volunteers from PFLAG Lafayette, an LGBTQ advocacy group in Lafayette, LA, painted the iconic Lafayette sign in downtown's Park San Souci as part of Pride Month activities. The Lafayette sign was erected in 2017 as an interactive public art installation. Local nonprofit groups are encouraged to paint its letters to promote community events…To read more — login/subscribe


Small city uses arts to drive decades-long renaissance

September 1, 2019
Visitors pose for photos along the path of the floodwall murals. In the annals of cultural assets, a quilting museum and a public mural project might sound like an unremarkable pair of advantages. But Paducah, KY (est. pop. 24,879), has combined those two resources with local pride and a relentless place-building campaign to turn itself…To read more — login/subscribe


Artistic seating serves many purposes

September 1, 2019
As summer rolled around, legions of beautifully decorated fiberglass dogs, cats, cows, and more were placed on temporary display in downtowns across North America.  In Athens, GA, animals were replaced with comfortable rocking chairs painted by local art students and members of an artist cooperative. The goals of the project were to beautify and to…To read more — login/subscribe