Urban Bikeway Design Guide


8-1/2″ x 11″, hardcover, 260 pages,
Island Press.

SKU: CUB001 Category:


The Urban Bikeway Design Guide provides cities and their downtowns with state-of-the-art techniques for creating complete streets that are safe and enjoyable for bicyclists.

To create this guide, the authors conducted an extensive worldwide search for design guidelines and real-life experiences. They worked closely with a panel of urban bikeway planning professionals including traffic engineers, planners, and academics with deep experience in urban bikeway applications.

In the guide, readers will find descriptions, design guidance, and best practices for bike lanes, cycle tracks, intersections, signals, signage and marking, and bicycle boulevards. Each section offers three levels of guidance:

Required: Elements, which are necessary for successful implementation.

Recommended: Elements which add value, but are not required.

Optional: Elements that vary across cities and may add value depending on the situation.

Fully illustrated with color photos, diagrams, and 3-D renderings of wide-ranging best practices, the Urban Bikeway Design Guide is essential reading for city officials and downtown leaders.

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword
  2. Introduction
  3. Bike Lanes
    • Conventional Bike Lanes
    • Buffered Bike Lanes
    • Contra-Flow Bike Lanes
    • Left-Side Bike Lanes
  4. Cycle Tracks
    • One-Way Protected Cycle Tracks
    • Raised Cycle Tracks
    • Two-Way Cycle Tracks
  5. Intersections
    • Bike Boxes
    • Intersection Crossing Markings
    • Two-Stage Turn Queue Boxes
    • Median Refuge Island
    • Through Bike Lanes
    • Combined Bike Lane/Turn Lane
    • Cycle Track Intersection Approach
  6. Signals
    • Bicycle Signal Heads
    • Signal Detection and Actuation
    • Active Warning Beacon for Bike Route
    • Hybrid Beacon for Bike Route Crossing of Major Street
    • Signing and Marking
    • Colored Bike Facilities
    • Colored Pavement Material Guidance
    • Shared Lane Markings
    • Bike Route Wayfinding
  7. Bicycle Boulevards
    • Route Planning
    • Signs and Pavement Markings
    • Speed Management
    • Volume Management
    • Minor Street Crossings
    • Major Street Crossings
    • Offset Intersections
    • Green Infrastructure
  8. Resources

About the Author

The Urban Bikeway Design Guide was prepared by a team of researchers at the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NATCO) with input from directors of planning, public works, transportation, and urban design from across North America.


Read the Foreward


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“A must-read… Anyone who advocates for increasing bicycle infrastructure in our cities will find many useful tools for implementing best practice infrastructure.”
— ASLA’s The Dirt

“The guide will serve as an essential blueprint for safe, active, multi-modal streets.”
— Gabe Klein,
former Chicago Transportation Commissioner

“This is an extraordinary piece of work that’s long overdue.”
— Ray LaHood,
former United States Secretary of Transportation