When the city of Midland, CA, installed safety bollards along the main street, it discovered a problem: The bollards were not visible enough to drivers. Downtown Midland BIA Board Chair Nicole French explains, “We’ve heard from business owners and visitors alike that the original metal parking bollards installed during the main street rejuvenation project are too low for some to see in their rear view mirrors and blend into the gray of the sidewalk.”
The BIA came up with a solution that enhances safety and beautifies the downtown. The city installed tall bollard covers that were decorated with work by local artists. In total, eight original pieces of art were selected for both the bollards and matching banners hung above the street. All of the art focused on the natural beauty of the area.
The project was funded in part by a grant from the county tourism agency.
In another example of art, safety, and community building coming together, the Public Arts Commission in Basalt, CO, invited fiber artists to create “sweaters” for their downtown bollards. The project featured a Community Knit Night in December and a call for artists in surrounding areas to create and contribute their own sweaters.
“Bringing more art to Midland Avenue is one of the goals of the Midland Streetscape project,” says Planning Director Michelle Bonfils-Thibeault. “We have the support of Basalt Public Arts Commission and are currently working on more longer-term plans to bring more creativity to Basalt. “
Merging art and safety is covered regularly in the pages of Downtown Idea Exchange newsletter.
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