In addition to filling empty storefronts, a new free-rent program in San Francisco is attracting a fresh crop of local retailers.
Under the program, city and business leaders offer up to six months of free rent, along with funding for start-up expenses.
During the first round, landlords were hoping the economy was going to improve and that major chains would come in and scoop up the spaces.
Instead, unique businesses which reflect the local area are coming in and creating a fresher and more local shopping vibe, said Laurel Arvanitidis, the director for business development at San Francisco’s Office of Economic and Workplace Development.
“These businesses are creating excitement in the upper stories of offices and residential buildings in a way that the landlords are enthusiastic about,” she said.
The September issue of Downtown Idea Exchange newsletter looks at two free rent programs, which are changing the face of downtown retail. Click below to learn more about Downtown Idea Exchange and other resources for revitalizing downtowns and commercial corridors.