Testing Temporary Bike Corrals

Bike corrals have recently appeared on the streets of Kalamazoo, MI. They are part of a pilot project that aims to remove bicycle hoops and racks from city streets to free up space for pedestrians, café dining, and other uses.

During the pilot, corrals will be set up at seven different locations for about one month each. City staff will monitor usage at each location and a QR code will direct users to a one question survey that asks them the reason for their trip downtown.

In the Kalamazoo Street Design Manual, the authors note that bicycle corrals are “an excellent solution for accommodating a large number of bicycles near specific activity areas and in areas with narrow sidewalks.”

The corrals will be placed within a single on-street parking space and may be removed in colder months to allow parking.

More on downtowns tackling bicycle parking appears in the pages of Downtown Idea Exchange newsletter. Click to learn more about Downtown Idea Exchange and other resources for revitalizing downtowns and commercial corridors.

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