The Hollywood Partnership is a business improvement district that provides a variety of services to businesses along the famous Hollywood Boulevard.
But not every member wants the same services.
In 2022 the BID created the Hollywood Partnership Community Trust, a nonprofit that hosts events and provides enhanced services to those willing to pay for them.
So far, so good: The Community Trust has brought in several million dollars in fresh revenue, says Steven Welliver, who is vice president of the parent organization and executive director of the spinoff.
“The assessment rate is the stable portion of our budget,” Welliver says. “Our Community Trust is more entrepreneurial.”
In one example, BID member Netflix, wanted clean and safe services above and beyond what was normally provided.
Netflix wanted its stretch of sidewalk pressure washed daily, so the Community Trust offers the additional service. Netflix also wanted a bigger security presence, so the Community Trust assigned additional clean and safe team members to the area.
More on the Community Trust appears in the April issue of Downtown Idea Exchange newsletter. Click to learn more about Downtown Idea Exchange and other resources for revitalizing downtowns and commercial corridors.